Sunday, June 29, 2014

Made to Order and Ready to Ship!

Deep red and Lemon Yellow Made to order piece.  It's all boxed up and ready to ship out, just as soon as I can actually get to the post office.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Chrysanthemum Bridge Complete!!!!

So it's finished.  The centers are definitely not what I was going for, but they will work.  I am just glad it is over and done with.

And of course what else did I do tonight? Cut squares for that wisteria piece I wanted to remake.  I was going to order some pearl from the chirimen distributor but they are out of stock.  Of course.  Not sure if white will work with this color scheme, but I have three colors of purple to work with.  Just have to match them up and see!!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Shop is Back Open!

Vacation Mode is turned off.

Shop's back open. 

And boy, am I behind on work.

That maple leaf kanzashi is finished and still sitting on my desk waiting for photos.  I have a disappeared customer who ordered a hair stick set I need better photos of to put in the shop at the end of the month.  AND I still have my chrysanthemum kanzashi bridge to finish, BEFORE I start my new wisteria set. 

I am also working several personal gifts to my nieces and nephew who live in Wisconsin before the Christmas rush of ornaments comes in.  Embroidered pillowcases, one with lilies, one with a fiary, and one already finished with a big teddy bear.

Not to mention my two kids are home for summer.  Ah life.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Upcoming Vacation Mode for the Shop


Heads up!!!!

The Temple is going into Vacation Mode Wednesday June 11, 2014, until Tuesday June 18, 2014. 

Why?  Cause I'm going on a vacation. That's why.