It was one HELL of an experience.
I think I was overly prepared, which is good I guess, but I spent more than I should have. I made about a third back of what I put into it, but the networking and experience made it totally worth it. I had a great time talking face to face to customers! It was so nice to be able to do that again. And if it wasn't for kids, I would truly feel prepared to do a convention now.
But everything I DIDN'T sell now has to go in the shop. I only sold a few hairsticks, mostly satin kanzashi with feathers, and one set of bobby pins. But NOW I know my market, and purple is the color to work with. I had several requests for purple, but all I had was black, red, gold and blue varieties. I didn't get to work into the pinks and purples and oranges. I should have. But photos will be up soon, and it will be lots of editing since each stick must be labeled in the pictures with a letter system so that I can put multiple sticks in one listing. May be a while, but I will get started on it next week now that things will have slowed down. That and I want to finish all my photography before kids get out of school soon. Then I will have NO time.
Also, next time I will have tophats!!!! I am lining up a new tophat designer so that I don't have to make them from scratch. Hopefully those will be back in stock soon. She makes hers with an elastic chin strap rather than a headband, and frankly I like the change, it will be more comfortable for the customer to wear.
Now I have to re-inventory and label my pieces since everything went askew when packing up for the night. Not to mention I have one heck of a mess to clean up on my workstation, and I have to find a place to put all my new supplies. I am glad I got into the satin for this, it was a BIG portion of my sales, almost half.
Definitely want to do this again though. But not this month. Ha. Too much stress.
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