Wednesday, May 25, 2016

New Product Prototype!!!

Side View
 Ok! So!

First prototype down, and I have a lot figured out. (Got this pattern from the book Sew Retro, btw.  Credit to them for the template.)
So, all the fabric has to be cotton.  I used satin for the underside in hopes to improve quality, but slippery fabrics do not hold in MY hair, much less  anyone else.  So, lesson 1 learned.  Cotton.

Secondly, I learned how much elastic to use in the back. The pattern called for a thinner elastic in 5 inches. I purchased a thicker elastic, but it requires more length. 7 inches or more.  Lesson 2 learned.

Third. The hand stitched closure is a pain with craft strength interfacing. 

I am still getting accustomed to using my sewing machine again.  My curve line is not so straight, but the others are quite good!  I have a plethora of quality asian prints I am putting to use for this I have been collecting over the years.  I dont think I am using my woven silk for this pattern.  That will be for the obi patterns I develop later on.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Kanzashi Updates and New Inventory Work Coming Soon

I am still working on this piece, but this gives you a pretty good idea of the final product.  I ended up having to scrap the shidare that the customer didn't want and replace it, so I had an extra laying around.  So I quickly made this bouquet of 2 large baby/coral pink pieces, and lots of small blossoms and smaller flower varieties.  I am still working down the thread wrapping, and still have to build my new style of shidare frame and wrap that in before mounting.  Almost finished.  :)

And after that, I am probably setting chirimen aside for a while.  I still have other projects to complete, like the obijime (which is now about 4 ft long!) and my pine needle kanzashi.

And after ALL THAT is complete, I am whipping out my SEWING MACHINE.

You heard it.  I have all kinds of plans.  Recycled kimono, obi, and some silk fabrics that I have been stashing away for this occasion.  I am looking at hair accessories, plain and with flowers, purses, bags, dresses, skirts, blouses, you name it.  I've pulled out all my sewing books.  I need to do a few alterations to some of my favorite skirts (pockets!!!) and I am going to make a few of my own clothing pieces.  But with my kiddos going to school full time I will have uninterrupted time to learn and practice.  Not to mention time to go to the gym so I don't feel like crap all the time (a must since I am Type 1 Diabetic).  But I never got into sewing because I never had a dress form to work with.  Now I have a beautiful dress form! It's even red!

I haven't been able to do much else the past few days.  Endometriosis has been kicking my butt. It's also been kicking my emotions around, so I haven't been in the mood for working. Especially after the debacle of my last custom order.  I am kinda upset I haven't sold any bookmarks or anything.  I just hope I can do something neat and different and beautiful. 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Project Updates Again.

Just some text this time....

I got a revised edition of that custom kanzashi out the door.  It was a long and harrowing experience, one of the few times I regret working custom orders. 

Still haven't done photos yet.  Hense only text.

I am putting the thread wrap on another piece, bright pink with white and highlights of chrome and new grass green, lemon yellow, and pearl stamens galore.  I have to make the shidare and mount an attachment, but it's about 3/4 complete. 

I am still working my obijime with the time to my photo shoot drawing ever closer.  It's about half way complete, and I am still fighting the bobbins like crazy, but I ALMOST think I have a handle on that.

Still haven't wrapped any more needles yet, my station has been covered in chirimen.

Most of my kitsuke parts have arrived, still waiting on my obi and tabi. But my juban, kimono, eri-shin, date-eri, zori, and obiage have all come in.  YAY!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Behind the scenes and Kitsuke

So this AMAZING piece was a custom order, but she rejected the order so I'm putting it in the shop! I feel very confident that more pieces in this style will come.  That customer, however, will not. (Long story).

Kanzashi is going well, I've been taking some time off to do things like make the obijime for my furisode kimono! The obiage and juban have arrived, which means I can fit/alter the piece as needed.  The juban may need some sleeve length altering, and the date eri is stained beyond repair.  I have 2 on order, thankfully.  Along with new eri-shin and tabi and my obi (which will come in eventually).  I also got orange/gold formal shoes in a 24cm fit.  Hopefully it will fit better than the last pair I had.

Projects on the table are:

1) I have set the pine needle kanzashi aside for a moment.  Still at 65 needles, just needed a break.

2) Still waiting on the rest of my kitsuke setup to come in the mail.  YAY!

3) I have the pieces pictured here needing formal photos, don't know when I will get to that.

4) Still using kumihimo to make my obijime.  It's a violet-purple 2mm stain rattail, with gold perle thread.  I have about 1.5 feet completed, out of 5 feet total.  And yes, there is so much thread on the bobbins they are slipping and not closing completely.  Too much rattail I think.  And the gold threads is so thin compared to rattail, the bobbin just slips off due to lack of resistance. Will have pics of that later.

5) I got a dress form for my birthday! I am really going to get into making those obi belts with the japanese obi fabric I have.  I might even get to re-purpose some kimono at this point, which would be fantastic.  But that will probably wait till fall, when my kids go back to school and I can have a full day free to work.