The rest of these are final shots of items that will be in the store. As you can see, I have really gotten a hang of the botan or peony style kanzashi layering.
This one is burgundy and black, but kept coming out so red on camera. It's a beautiful barrette, which I have never really carried before in plethora. Now I have started with 4 and have 6 more to decorate.
The momiji is worth noting because it came out so well in size and dimension. Its larger than the last single momiji I did, and I want to play with these more.
The last one below is a peony I was experimenting with. I don't really like the layering, but the colors are fantastic. I am almost out of this pattern material, going to have to get more if they still carry it.
I've actually had quite a few colors get discontinued. A peach, an orange, a few blues and all the violets have gone away. I am saddened that I can't remake all my pieces now that several of these colors are gone. But such is life.
I want to reopen the shop this Saturday, October 8, after I get doctor clearance on Friday. So maybe soon. Right now I am still having severe side effects that will continue until my next dosage on Friday.
Meanwhile I am still working on the pink wisteria! We shall see how it goes.
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